

Due to the new WebExtension system of Firefox and its restrictions, Konquefox is discontinued and replaced by the simple "Go Up" button extension :

Go Up Button extension on Mozilla Firefox Add-ons Website

About Konquefox

Konquefox is an extension for Mozilla Firefox that adds 6 usefull buttons, for a better integration into Linux (and KDE) :

This page also contains many other tricks found on various websites and forums to get a better integration of Firefox in KDE desktops (icons, styles and getting out of the inconsistent GTK file picker...)

How to ?

After download and install of Konquefox in Firefox, and then restarting Firefox :

  1. Right-click on the Firefox buttons bar
  2. Select "Personnalize..."
  3. Choose the buttons you wish to add in the window that opens.
New buttons bar


Konquefox can now be downloaded directly from official Mozilla Add-Ons website :


You will get access automatically to new versions of Konquefox.


Here are some tricks found on various websites and forums, to get Firefox better integrated in KDE desktops (to give it a "Konqueror" look'n feel)

  1. How to get rid of the ugly file picker ?
  2. How to get KDE style for Firefox ?
  3. Where to get a KDE icon theme like for Firefox ?
  4. How to get a better (KDE) printer dialog ?

How to get rid of the ugly file picker

If you are a KDE user, you certainly prefer the KDE/Qt style file picker :
KDE style filepicker

How to get KDE style in Firefox

The simpliest way to get a KDE look'n feel in Firefox is probably to use the "gkt-qt-engine". You can probably get it from the package manager of you favorite distribution.

You can get more informations at FreeDesktop.org http://code.google.com/p/gtk-qt-engine.

Where to get a KDE icon theme like for Firefox

How to get a better (KDE) printer dialog

To make Firefox use the KDE Printer Dialog (kprinter), look at this page : http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=205050



Don't hesitate to leave me any comment, suggestion or new tricks ! Because of a big amount of spam, don't be surprised if I am long to answer you.

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